Our Annual Dinner of the Month Draw 2024-25
Tickets are NOW available at $25 each, or 5 for $100 from any Southampton Rotarian or by contacting Cathy Janveau 226 974 1600. 
Thank you to all who bought tickets and Congratulations to our winners:
June 1st Draw (FINAL)
First prize - $250 gift certificate to The Walker House, Ed Braun of Southampton
Second Prize - $100 gift certificate to Queens Bar and Grill, Malcolm McArthur of Southampton
May 4th Draw
First Prize - $250 gift certificate to the Elk and Finch, Jeremy Roberts of Toronto, 
Second Prize - $100 gift certificate to the Outlaw Brew Co', Bill Bowden of Southampton,
April 6th Draw
First Prize - $250 gift certificate to The Berkshire Restaurant, Gerry Lambert of Port Elgin 
Second Prize - $100 gift certificate to Allan's Fireside Grill,  Jared Amy, of Southampton 
March 2nd Draw
First Prize - $250 gift certificate for Rosina is Bonnie Hobbs of Southampton, 
Second Prize - $100 gift certificate for the Wismer House is Brian Reich of Southampton. 
February 2nd Draw 
First Prize - $250 gift certificate for Rm 797 is Terry Milley of Port Elgin.
Second Prize - $100 gift certificate for Little Black Dog catering is Dave Martin of Port Elgin.
January 5th Draw
First Prize: Doug Johnson (Southampton) $250 gift certificate to Highview Food and Drink
Second Prize: Jim Stark  (Southampton) $100 gift certificate to Southampton Thai Cuisine