Need Help or Assistance
Serving the community since 1938...! The Club supports a wide range of local community based projects and initiatives and we are always willing to hear from people in our area who need help.
Please contact us with your request CLICK HERE
Any request for help and assistance must be accompanied with a response to the following questions: (See Downloadable Form below)

- Name of the person/group requesting help and contact details
- Description of need
- What are the goals of the project?
- What is the project timeline?
- How will the community as a whole benefit from the project?
- What is the total budget for the project?
- Which other organizations will be solicited to help/participate?
- What is the cash amount being requested or other form of help being requested.
- What are the success criteria (i.e. How will the success of the project be measured)?
- How will the club be recognized for any support offered?
NOTE: Activities NOT normally funded by the Rotary Club of Southampton include the following:
- Intermediate funding agencies
- National charities e.g. Oxfam
- Political Institutions
- Requests from outside our geographical area
- Private schooling
- Individual recreation requests
- Ongoing project running or operation expenses
- For profit organizations
- High risk projects
- Organizations/Projects that have received a grant in the past 2 years unless part of an agreed programme of support